LOVD 3.0 News

LOVD 3.0 build 30 released Ivo Fokkema, 2024-05-30
Today, LOVD 3.0 build 30 has been released.
New features implemented, amongst others: Updated the VariantValidator library and now using VariantValidator to fetch transcript information; Improved the connectivity debugging script; Made all date fields publicly visible; Added several improvements to the submission API; Major improvements to the HGVS functions.
Removed features: Removed the LRG functionality; Removed the SeattleSeq feature.
Bugs fixed, amongst others: Fixed bug in the checkHGVS script; Fixed several notices and warnings occurring with unexpected input; Fixed an incorrect table name in code handling the deletion of an individual; Updated code to handle newer PHP versions; Fixed various bugs in the mapper; Fixed position matching in the LOVD2-style API; Fixed broken links to Orphanet, they changed their URL structure; Fixed variant page titles — the GENE(NM):c format is not valid.
Closes #639 and #645.

See the changelog.
Download the new build.
LOVD scripts included: LOVD2 file converter 3.0-29, Reading Frame Checker 3.0-28, RefSeqParser 3.0-29, Variant position fixer 3.0-29, Variant Validation 3.0-30.
Manual version included: May 30th, 2024.

News older than 12 months can be found in the archive.

Last modified 2024/05/30 21:59:29 CEST

When using or discussing LOVD please refer to:
Fokkema IF, Kroon M, López Hernández JA, Asscheman D, Lugtenburg I, Hoogenboom J, den Dunnen JT. The LOVD3 platform: efficient genome-wide sharing of genetic variants. Eur J Hum Genet (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41431-021-00959-x.

A recommended system of the Human Variome Project LOVD has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 200754 - the GEN2PHEN project.
©2004-2024 Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema BSc., Prof. Johan T. den Dunnen PhD
A IRDiRC recognized resource