Stop! Please note that LOVD2 is no longer supported. The last security release is from October 2020. Upgrade to LOVD3 to continue receiving updates.

Installing LOVD

Installing LOVD is a "piece of cake". If you just want to try out LOVD to play around with it a bit, we recommend using the LOVD local install CD, which we currently have available for Windows. This LOVD local install CD will install LOVD and all necessary software on your computer in just a few minutes with virtually no effort. This CD requires roughly 200MB free space on your hard drive.
For production environments (you intend to publish LOVD on your institution's server) we recommend a manual install, for which you may require help from your system administrator.

« Introduction Before you install »

Last modified 2014/08/25 14:48:32 CEST

When using or discussing LOVD please refer to:
Fokkema IF, Taschner PE, Schaafsma GC, Celli J, Laros JF, den Dunnen JT (2011). LOVD v.2.0: the next generation in gene variant databases. Hum Mutat. 2011 May;32(5):557-63.

LOVD has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 200754 - the GEN2PHEN project.
Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Ing. Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema, Dr. Johan T. den Dunnen