Stop! Please note that LOVD2 is no longer supported. The last security release is from October 2020. Upgrade to LOVD3 to continue receiving updates.

LOVD Setup

Authorized users

Creating new users
LOVD allows a total number of 255 users. You can create a new user by clicking on the "Create a new authorized user" link from the setup area.

If the user is to be a curator, the email address that's filled in will be shown on the gene's homepage and will be used to sent variant submission notifications to.
If the curator is actually also of the curator user level, be sure to assign one or more genes to this user otherwise the curator will be rejected access to the LOVD gene configuration area.

Most of the form is pretty straight forward, but I will highlight these four fields:
Username: LOVD requires the username to be 4 to 20 characters and starting with a letter followed by letters, numbers, dots, underscores and dashes only.
Password: LOVD requires the password to be at least 4 characters long, containing at least one number or special character.
Number of entries per page: To save time to build up the variant table, the variant listings will be split into separate pages. Here you can specify the maximum number of variants you want to see on each page.
Allowed IP address list: An IP address is an address a computer is known by on the network. To help prevent others to try and guess the username/password combination, you can restrict access to the database administrator account to a number of IP addresses or ranges. This also means you need to be very careful with this setting, as being too restrictive may lock you out of your account. The default, unrestricted, value is *.

« Authorized users Editing users »

Last modified 2014/08/25 14:48:31 CEST

When using or discussing LOVD please refer to:
Fokkema IF, Taschner PE, Schaafsma GC, Celli J, Laros JF, den Dunnen JT (2011). LOVD v.2.0: the next generation in gene variant databases. Hum Mutat. 2011 May;32(5):557-63.

LOVD has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 200754 - the GEN2PHEN project.
Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Ing. Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema, Dr. Johan T. den Dunnen